Whale? Yes you are right, whale viewing in Thailand. It has just become one of the newest tourist attraction when local media rushing to show a group of Bryde's Whales wandering at Thai Gulf, off the coast of famous Cha-am beach. There were some 30+ whales reported during the month of Sep, and since Bryde's whales are migratory, the number has then reducing and finally only a few left coming to the month of November. (Strangely not all are migratory including the few sighted by us).
Bryde's whale is one of the most mysterious and less known whale species. I crossed my finger praying if I would be lucky enough to see them after learning from the boatman 2 of our previous trips returned empty handed, and another one took 6-7 hours to find them. Somehow it is proven we're the lucky one, the weather was bright, not hot and the sea's just calm. Just slightly less than 1 hour after leaving the jetty, we saw the pilot lamp, the gathering seagulls, and expectedly a small group of Bryde's whale.
Gathering seagulls, the pilot lamp of the feeding Bryde's whale. |
Size of the whale is around 3 fishing boats that we are riding |
We're not far away from the coast, you can still see the condo at the background |
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