After a month long chaos, peace finally restored in Thailand thanks to the government's heavy handed crack down.
Having spent most of my time stayed at home during this unusual period, I decided to take a short trip, looking for some fresh air at the not-so-far away Angsila and of course, some long awaited seafood. Yes, curfew is still in place, but it's not an obstacle.
The market - all kinds of seafood with a good bargain

The Jetty - this is where all the fishing boats return with their catches

Another view of the jetty

Market is not so busy as weather is ultra hot

Red-shirts are down, so are the red crabs (Sakura crab)

My favorite "Pla Tu (ปลาทู) Pok", or deep fried kelonged Mackerel.
หอยตลับผัดใบกะเพรา Fried clam with basil leave 蛤炒羅勒叶
Grilled Thai Escargot หอยหวานเผา 烤东风螺 (泰国田螺)
Baked Salted Sea Prawn กุ้งทะเลอบเกลือ 盐烤虾

Grilled Squid ปลาหมึกไข่ย่าง 烤鱿鱼

See the small promfet 斗底鲳

Horseshoe king crab

Mantis prawn

Small pineapple
Thai Durian

Have a cup of thai coffee

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